Don’t know much…

OrangemachineLiving in another culture, I pretty much always feel like I don’t know much.  Don’t know much language, don’t know much about how to behave, don’t know much about how things work.  It’s not as bad as it sounds, just a fact of life here.  Culture stress, I guess.

Tonight I helped a friend set up some linguistics software on her computer.  She’s not a linguist, she just wants to be able to organize the words she’s learning into a little dictionary for herself.  The software is pretty cool, check it out here: 

As she was setting the program up, she needed my help-and I knew the answers right away!  POS means part of speech, Sem Dom is short for semantic domains, v must be for vernacular…for a little while there I was back in my comfort zone where I actually knew something.  It was nice.

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